venerdì 31 maggio 2013


Sabato 15 Giugno "Rock’n’Roll Freaks Party"

dalle 19.00 aperitivo cena con musica e dalle 21.30 puntuali inizio concerti

- Ogre (Perugia grind core legends dal 1999)

- Miseria (glam crusters da Varese/Milano, “all in” or die)

- My Own Voice (Milano old school Hc)

- Humus (thrashing crust hc della casa)

- Super Tough And The Electric Dog (rock’n’roll e borghetti da Ancona)

- Palmer Generator (alternative stoner rock da Jesi)

presso "la casa" tra le campagne maceratesi

info 3899312506 - 3497384800

spazio all'aperto per distro e autoproduzioni, portate tavolino e gazebo se l'avete

lunedì 27 maggio 2013

Review by "Welcome to the Void" (GRE)

(e)motionless - new Palmer Generator's Album - Review on "Welcome to the Void" (GRE)
Thanks to Haris!

Here the English Traslation:
The band Palmer Generator created in 2010 by Tom Palmer (guitar), his brother Michael (bass) and Matt (drums who is the son of Michael).
In 2011 the band showed us his first EP entitled "Schizoid" and this year gave us the debut album called "(e) motionless" which consists of nine compositions total duration of about 60 minutes.
The band in the new essay combines stoner music both with alternitive and with prog elements creating a very interesting and attractive final result.
The songs are very well crafted and properly structured so as not to bore you, so with beautiful melodies and powerful riffs gushing from guitar .The music of Italians sometimes emits melancholy and sometimes intense feelings of anger. The ambivalent feelings overwhelms them with a strange way the soul of the listener.
Really here we are dealing with a very good release which its worth to bother.

Review by "The New Noise" (ITA)

(e)motionless : Review by "The New Noise" (ITA)

lunedì 13 maggio 2013

25/05/2013 - PALMER GENERATOR (new album out) + NARRENSCHIFF Live @ Flyin' Donkey Pub

- PALMER GENERATOR (Alternative/Stoner Rock)

Presentazione nuovo disco "(e)motionless"

- NARRENSCHIFF (Stoner/Rock)

Sabato 25 Maggio ore 22.00 @ Flyin' Donkey Pub
via Cavour 12, San Mauro Pascoli (FC)